These 2 weeks we were ask to collect a number of art pieces, including vector illustration, hand paintings, caricature, technical drawings, as well as good and bad posters.
    Collecting these items was major work. I went around pharmacies, malls. and relative's houses collecting every brochure, poster, pamphlet, and magazine I could get my hands on.
    I even when to visit all my artistic friends to snap pictures of their hand painted art.
    I had a hard time choosing which caricature to collect as they were all good. I cut them out from business magazines.
   It also took me some time as I was brooding on what would make a poster good or bad.
    Design is to especially plan the form and structure, and prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans for a work to be executed.
    While Create is to bring something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes into being.
    Therefore I decided to expressed these 2 words with a simple cartoon strip of a girl designing chocolates and creating them.

    I went into my first Visual Communication class expecting to dive right into a lecture of adobe Photoshop, illustrator, and In Design. I was totally dumbfounded when the lecturer ask us to make dots on a piece of paper and wait for further instructions. As to be seen above is the prize for following the instructions. I was in a state of blur when the class ended, but I had a feeling that I would really enjoy this class^^.